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Employer Nomination Scheme Visa – Direct Entry Stream For Sponsors (subclass 186)

Employer Nomination Scheme Visa – Direct Entry Stream For Sponsors





You are also required to pay the Skilling Australians Fund levy.

Processing times

For an indication of processing times for this visa, use the visa processing time guide tool. This will show the processing times for recently decided applications. It is a guide only and not specific to your application.

With this visa the applicant can

  • live, work and study in Australia indefinitely
  • sponsor eligible family members to come to Australia
  • apply for Australian citizenship, if eligible

See all conditions

Check your eligibility

Things to note

  • offer a skilled position that is full time and ongoing for at least 2 years
  • pay the Skilling Australians Fund levy when you submit your employer nomination application

Cost to nominate

The nomination fee is AUD540.00.

You are also required to pay the Skilling Australians Fund levy.

How long nominations last

Approved nominations end if the employee you nominate:

  • does not apply for a subclass 186 visa within 6 months of the nomination approval, or
  • is refused a subclass 186 visa

Nominators must

You must:

  • employ the worker under terms and conditions that are no less than as those for Australian citizens or permanent residents doing the same work in the same place. Terms and conditions include but are not limited to salary for the nominated position, hours of work and leave entitlements.
  • pay the worker the annual market salary rate
  • comply with Australian immigration and workplace relations law

Be an eligible business

Your business must:

  • have no adverse information known about it or any person associated with it, or it is reasonable to disregard this information
  • actively and lawfully operate a business in Australia
  • if it undertakes activities related to hiring labour to other unrelated businesses, the position must be within your business activities and not for hire to other unrelated businesses
  • have a genuine need for a paid employee to fill a skilled position
  • pay the Skilling Australians Fund levy when you submit your employer nomination application
  • have complied with Australian immigration and workplace relations laws

Your business must also be able to:

  • offer a skilled position that is full time and ongoing for at least 2 years. The nominee's employment contract must not limit the position to 2 years
  • if the worker will earn less than AUD250,000 a year, pay them at least the annual market salary rate
  • demonstrate the applicant is eligible for any licence, registration or membership needed at the time you submit the application

Have a skilled position

The nominated occupation must be on the list of eligible skilled occupations for this subclass 186 visa.

Step 1

Before you apply

Check the applicant is eligible

Check that the applicant you want to nominate is eligible for this visa through the Direct Entry stream.

If they are not eligible we might refuse your application.

Step 2

Gather your documents

Applicant's employment contract

The contract must indicate:

  • the base salary - if the worker will earn less than AUD250,000 a year, their salary must not be less than the annual market salary rate
  • the total remuneration and terms and conditions of employment - these conditions must not be less favourable than the conditions that would apply to an Australian citizen or permanent resident
  • that the position is full-time, ongoing and available for at least 2 years

Proof your business is actively and lawfully operating


  • relevant pages of the trust deed specifying the parties to the trust (if you are a trust or trustee of a trust)
  • current lease agreement
  • letter of support from the accountant of your business

Also provide either:

  • audited balance sheet and profit and loss statement for the most recently concluded fiscal year with comparative figures for previous fiscal year, or
  • business tax returns and associated tax assessment notices for the most recently concluded fiscal year

If the fiscal period of the financial statements or tax returns ended more than three months before you lodge your application, also provide a business activity statement (BAS) for each complete quarter from the end of the fiscal period to the date you lodge your application.

If your business has operated for less than 12 months, also provide:

  • business activity statements (BAS) for each complete quarter from the start of operations to the time you lodge the nomination, and
  • statements for the business bank account from the start of operations to the time you lodge the nomination.

Proof you have a genuine need for a paid employee

Businesses seeking to nominate overseas workers for a permanent employer sponsored visa are required to demonstrate that there is a genuine need to employ a person in the position.


  • a detailed organisational structure chart
  • the name of the occupation and its ANZSCO code
  • a detailed position description including specified tasks and duties of the position

Also provide these where applicable:

  • evidence that the position has existed and been previously occupied but has become vacant through attrition
  • evidence that the position is currently occupied by a temporary resident
  • evidence of an increase in business activity (e.g. new contracts won) requiring workers in the nominated occupation
  • evidence of overtime work or increase in overtime work for employees currently in the nominated occupation
  • if your business is diversifying, evidence of appropriate market research, business plans detailing proposed expansion and timelines, financial budgets covering expenditure and anticipated revenue and evidence of availability of funding (such as own funds or bank loans)

Proof you will pay the annual market salary rate

If the applicant will earn less than AUD250,000 a year, prove you will pay them the annual market salary rate (AMSR) for their occupation.

Clearly identify and explain your evidence. If you provide unlabelled salary surveys or vague details on how you determined the AMSR, we might refuse your nomination.

Where there is a difference between the determined AMSR and the nominee's proposed salary, explain why.

Where a caveat applies

Caveats apply to some occupations for the subclass 186 visa. These caveats exclude the occupation from eligibility under the employer nomination scheme in some circumstances.
Where we might assess the occupation you are nominating as ineligible due to a caveat, provide evidence that it is eligible.
For example, one caveat applied to the occupation of chef is that the nominated position can’t be in a fast food or takeaway food service. Provide evidence to show the caveat does not apply to the position so that we don’t assess it as ineligible, such as:

  • a detailed position description
  • an explanatory statement and evidence that describes the core activities of your business
  • a copy of the menu
  • a link to your website
  • a floor plan
  • photographs of the premises that show the size and type of your establishment
  • details of food preparation done on the premises
  • details of table service provided and the volume of in-restaurant dining
  • any other evidence you consider relevant

You can also ask us to consider the broader circumstances when we assess caveats - for example, the turnover and salary caveats, including those of an overseas parent company. Submit your request to us in writing.

We list any caveats that apply to occupations on the skilled occupations list.

Step 3


Apply online

  1. Complete your nomination application in ImmiAccount.
  2. Attach documents.
  3. Pay the application fee. We will not process your application until you pay the fee.
  4. Pay the Skilling Australians Fund levy.
  5. Note the nomination Transaction Reference Number (TRN). Your employee will need it to apply for their visa.

Step 4

After you apply

Send more documents

If you did not attach all documents when you applied, attach them as soon as you can. We might also ask you to provide more information.

Tell us if things change

Contact the relevant visa processing office to report changes that could affect your application.

When you write to us, include your:

  • business name
  • ABN or ACN
  • nomination Transaction Reference Number (TRN)

Withdraw your nomination application

You can withdraw your application any time before we decide on your employee's visa application.

To withdraw your nomination, email the processing area.

Note: Removing your application from ImmiAccount does not withdraw the nomination. Generally, we do not refund the nomination fee.

Step 5

Nomination outcome

If your nomination is approved, we will send you a letter containing your nomination approval number.

If your nomination is not approved, we will send you a letter stating:

  • why it was refused
  • whether you have a right to a review of the decision
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